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Trump administration won't purse speed limiters


the near term. Under the 2017 regulatory agenda, speed limiters have been dropped from the near-term agendas of both the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which had jointly proposed a rule to require speed limiting devices on certain large trucks. The fall 2016 agenda , which was issued in the final weeks of the Obama administration, included the speed limit proposed rule in its near-term agenda. The heavy vehicle speed limiter rule is one of 469 proposed actions in the fall 2016 agenda that now have been withdrawn. Generally, FMCSA's latest agenda is light. Most rulemakings are those already proposed relating to military drivers and relaxing restrictions on commercial learner's permits. So far this year, FMCSA has withdrawn rulemakings on safety fitness determinations and a state inspection program for passenger-carrying vehicles. Also, although it has not yet done so, the agency plans to withdraw an early-stage rulemaking effort related to moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea. Even the Obama administration had not decided whether to move from an advance notice of rulemaking to an actual proposal.

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