Apr 20, 2016
FMCSA proposes 'Beyond Compliance' program
Following a mandate from Congress and several public listening sessions, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has proposed a...
Apr 20, 2016
Nominations sought for HHG working group
Fulfilling a requirement of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), FMCSA announced plans to establish the Household...
Apr 18, 2016
OSHA issues rule protecting food handling whistleblowers
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration published a final rule establishing procedures for handling complaints under the Food...
Apr 5, 2016
FDA issues new rules for food transportation
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a final rule that establishes new requirements aimed at ensuring that the...
Mar 31, 2016
FMCSA refuses to extend comments on CDL training
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has rejected several requests for more time to comment on the notice of proposed...
Mar 28, 2016
Expanded HOS relief rejected for oilfield drivers
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has denied the American Trucking Associations' request that would have expanded to a...
Mar 23, 2016
FMCSA orders certain Volvo trucks out of service immediately
A potential manufacturing defect in the truck's steering mechanism of certain recently built Volvo trucks has led the Federal Motor...
Mar 21, 2016
Comment sought on HOS, equipment exemption requests
FMCSA in March published for comment several requests for new and renewed exemptions related to the agency's hours-of-service regulations...
Mar 18, 2016
New tactics eyed to protect HOS restart
Negotiations have broken down over a potential fix for an error in last year's government funding law that mistakenly blocks the entire...
Mar 17, 2016
FAA law extension to push off trucking preemption fight
The fate of controversial legislation to bar state and local goverments from regulating commercial drivers' meal and rest breaks or from...
Mar 16, 2016
FMCSA ‘Beyond Compliance’ session scheduled for MATS
FMCSA has scheduled public listening sessions April 1 and April 25 at the Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, Ky., and the...
Mar 16, 2016
Easier path to CDLs eyed for recent military veterans
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on March 16 proposed changes that would make it easier for individuals leaving military...
Mar 16, 2016
Bus operations get more time for leasing and interchange rule
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has extended for one year until Jan. 1, 2018, the date by which interstate motor carriers...
Mar 8, 2016
Comment period on safety fitness plan extended
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has extended for 60 days until May 23, 2016, the comment period on a proposed rule that...
Mar 8, 2016
FMCSA seeks info on drivers and sleep apnea
In a joint action with the Federal Railroad Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is seeking public input on...